
Download the book of abstracts here.


13 September 2023

Postgraduate workshop

Venue:   Groot-Brittanniëlaan 45, 9000 Ghent
.              Room B.210 (2nd floor)


12.00 Lunch
13.00 PhD presentations
14.30 Coffee break
15.00 Round table: Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar – Evanghelia Stead – Luc van Doorslaer – Christina Bezari



14 September 2023

Main conference day 1

8.15 – 8.40 Registration
8.45 – 9.00 Official opening by Gita Deneckere (Dean Faculty of Arts)
9.00 – 10.30 KEYNOTE Evanghelia Stead: Visual and Textual Translations in Periodicals (Chair F. Mus) – (Room A.008)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break (Room A.104)


11.00-12.30 SESSION 1


1a Methodology

(Room A.008)

Chair E. Stead

1b Canon

(Room A.108)

Chair C. Van Dijck

Luc van Doorslaer

Revisiting translation in periodicals in the 21st century.

Nadia Georgiou

Invisible gatekeepers in the flow of translated literature: the role and impact of literary journals.

Blanca Juan Gomez

Raymond Williams’ texts in Spanish-speaking periodicals as cultural translation.

Devrim Ulaş Arslan

The Debates Surrounding Translated Serial Novels in the Early Republican Turkish Literary Polysystem.

Marina Popea

Beyond counts and time series: innovative data visualisation strategies for  the study of translation in periodicals.

Sabbir Galariya (online)

Towards a new methodological framework for Periodical Studies: A study of selected translations in Gujarati literary periodicals.

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch break (Room A.104)


14.00-15.00 SESSION 2


2a Invisibilities: Tracing Translations and
Women Writers
and Translators in
the Spanish-Speaking Case

(Room A.108)

Chair L. van Doorslaer

2b Crime/Science fiction

(Room A.214)

Chair B. Lambrecht

2c Literary periodicals

(Room A.008)

Chair O. Paloposki

Laura Fólica

Searching literary translation in Ibero-American periodicals (1898-1959): how to build a database of translations with machine learning.

Anikó Sohar

Introducing & establishing a genre through translations: The case of a Hungarian science    fiction periodical, Galaktika (1972–1989).

Zofia Ziemann

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Translation in the Polish Interwar Weekly Wiadomości Literackie.


Diana Roig-Sanz / Chris Tanasescu

Mapping gender: The circulation of Ibero-American women writers, translators, and intellectuals in the international sphere (1898-1959).

Piet Van Poucke

The Future starts today. Translated Western
science fiction in Soviet literary (and not only) periodicals.

Külliki Steinberg

A herbarium plant or a real flower? Marta Sillaots and the interwar Estonian translation discourse in the literary journal Eesti Kirjandus.

Lucia Campanella

Translators and literary translations in anarchist periodicals in Spanish-Speaking cities: building a gendered corpus.

Irina Siseykina

Periodicals as the means of symbolic capital promotion: literary translations in Estonian and Russian periodicals since 1991.


15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break (Room A.104)


16.00-17.30 SESSION 3


3a Family values

(Room A.214)

Chair Ş. Tahir Gürçağlar

3b Ideology

(Room A.108)

Chair M.A. Guerra Blázquez

3c Exile

(Room A.008)

Chair D. Schyns

Deniz Malaymar

Borrowed Depictions of the Ideal Child: Translation and paratextual practice in Çocuk magazine.

Cedric Van Dijck

“A Common Literature”: Translation in The Classic (Johannesburg, 1963-71).

Julija Boguna

German-language exile journals as a source for historiography of translation (1933-1945).

Zeynep Kürük-Erçetin

Holy Motherhood: Tracing Representations of Women’s ‘Immutable’ Role in Aile.

Haoyu Zhang

Ostasiatische Rundschau (1920 – 1944) and its German-language translations from Chinese.

Muireann Maguire

The Russian Review and Russo- American diaspora.

Soham Deb Barman (online)

Translation and Anti-colonial Cosmopolitanism:
The Case of Kallol

Anna Namestnikov

Translations as a locus of symbolic boundary work in Russian émigré journal Illustrated Russia (1924- 1939, Paris).



15 September 2023

Main conference day 2

9.00 – 10.30 KEYNOTE Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar: Periodicals in Translation Pedagogy (Chair B. de Groote) – (Room A.008)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break (Room A.104)


11.00-12.30 SESSION 4


4a Modernism

Chair A. Spiessens

(Room A.108)

4b Translators

Chair Z. Ziemann

(Room A.008)

4c Poetry

Chair P. Van Poucke

(Room A.214)

Ilaria Masseroni

A Polyhedral Genius against the Test of Time and Space: The Reception of Jean Cocteau in the British Press between 1920 and 1963.

Outi Paloposki

Newspapers on translators’ desks: the uses of periodical information in the emerging translation culture in Sweden- Finland.

Lynn Qingyang Lin

Sinophilic Modernism: The Discursive Spaces and Sociological Networks of Translating Classical Chinese Poetry in Early Twentieth-century Modernist Little Magazines.

Adriana Lazar

“Belgium is the custodian of Europe’s watchword”:
the Belgian internationalisation of Romanian Constructivist networks.

Gaëtan Regniers

Newspaper Translators: a prosopographical perspective on translators of Russian Literature in Dutch newspapers.

Emma Wagstaff

Translation and Attention in Modern French
Poetry Reviews.

Christina Bezari

Portuguese Literature and Translation in the Weekly Periodical Paris-Noticias (1921–1922).

Joanna Sobesto

Ubiquitous and invisible –translation and translators in the Polish Socialist Party daily “Robotnik” [The Labourer] in Interwar (1918-1939) Poland.

Letizia Imola

The advantages of a «traduction fautive»: Paul Claudel reincarnates Coventry Patmore on
the NRF.

Teresa Rączka-Jeziorska
Press journalism in the career of a translator of fiction. On the example of Józef Łobodowski (1909-
1988) and other biographies of the most eminent authors of translations of Ukrainian literature in interwar Poland.
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch break (Room A.104)


14.00-15.00 SESSION 5


5a Translations and World literature in Catalan periodicals in the interwar period (1918-1926)

Chair M.A. Guerra Blázquez

(Room A.008)

5b (Inter)nationalization

Chair A. Namestnikov

(Room A.108)

Marcel Ortín

World literature at Lletres i Llibres (1918-1921), the literary page of the Catalan newspaper La Veu de Catalunya.


Robert Lukenda

Periodical Translation and the Dynamics of Internationalisation and Nation-building: ATranslation History Perspective on Italian Cultural and Scientific Journals in the early 19th Century.

Maria Dasca

Translating literature for children in the 1920s:
Josep Carner’s translations of Sui Sin Far’s stories.

Maris Saagpakk

Towards a Library of World Literature in Estonian – Translations in the Literary Magazine “Meelejahutaja” in the 19th Century.

Maria Moreno Domènech

Bella terra: translation and literary reception.

Seyhan Bozkurt Jobanputra (online)

Varlık: A Bridge between Translated and National Literature.

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break (Room A.104)


16.00-17.30 SESSION 6


6a Serialization

Chair G. Regniers

(Room A.214)

6b Image

Chair P. Van Poucke

(Room A.108)

6c Translation History

Chair B. de Groote

(Room A.008)

Henriette Partzsch

Systematising the study of serialised translations in Spanish nineteenth-century newspapers: Feuilleton novels in La Correspondencia de España (The Post
of Spain, Madrid, 1860-1925) and La Iberia (Iberia, Madrid, 1854-1866 / 1868-1896).

Xueyin Song

On the Untranslatability of Images and Its
Peripheral Problems: Insights from Periodical Translation and Semiotics.


Daniele Monticelli

Eluding censorship through periodicals and translations: Soviet Estonia and Loomingu Raamatukogu.


Jo De Brie

Mapping intermedial interventions in serialised translations: the adaptation and translation of
English crime novels into feuilletons for publication
in two Flemish interwar newspapers (Het Volk and Vooruit)

Ümit Türe Pekel (online)

From Grand Hotel (1946-) to Yelpaze (1952-1967): Transcultural journey of a multimodal


Dibar Çelik

The Contributions of Translations to the Introduction of the Kurdish Roman Alphabet in the Periodical Hawar.


Yunrou Liu (online)

Building a literary self-image: translation
paratexts in Everyman’s Literature

Dana Steglich

Corrections, Humour, and Desperation. Correspondences between Translators and Editors of Der Monat (1948-1971).

17.30 Closing reception (Room A.104)


16 September 2023

Social programme

10.00 Guided City walk around Ghent